• +31636270018
  • info@lagozaderaparty.nl
  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Cuban weekend by Yoannis Tamayo

Cuban weekend by Yoannis Tamayo

Saturday November 30th and Sunday December 1st we invite you to our Cuban Weekend. You will have the opportunity to learn more about Cuban culture and its dances. It is the third time that it is organized and we will have the presence of one of the greatest Cuban teachers who come directly from Spain: 🇨🇺 Yoannis Tamayo Castillo🇪🇸 Anita…

Cuban Weekend

Cuban Weekend

SSaturday April 13th and Sunday April 14th we invite you to our Cuban Weekend. You will have the opportunity to learn more about Cuban culture and its dances. It is the second time that it is organized and we will have the presence of one of the greatest Cuban teachers who came directly from Spain: 🇨🇺 Yoannis Tamayo Castillo ➡️…

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